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What We Do

Advertising TV | Radio | Online | Media Buying

Marketing Research | Strategy | Concept

Branding Design | Logos | Merchandising

Printing All Formats

Web Designing Websites | UI/UX | More

Professionals On Your Team

To us, your brief is like a football game. We are set up to be a trophy-winning team. From when we kick off, we pass the ball around, dribble with skill, create solutions and opportunities, defend passionately to avoid mishaps, while delivering the goals with skill and finesse. We're a winning team, ready to win with you.

SP Strategic Planner

PM Project Manager

CD Creative Director

CW Copy Writer

DL Digital Lead

WD Web Developer

MP Media Planner

SE Sound Engineer

RP Research Partners

VA Video Animator


Our Approach: Insight Mining Module


A baseline research is always conducted if not available. In addition to helping with Monitoring & Evaluation, it will be useful in populating our Insight-Mining Model. Experience from similar projects have taught us that the range of factors combine to drive our targets’ complex behavior. Fully understanding the target(s), their motivations and need-states is a prerequisite to gleaning an impactful target insight.

Secondly, we thoroughly research and analyze identified gaps. We recognize the need to fully understand market dynamics and how to tackle it.

We make use of publications available on the subject and interview the client who is expert on the issue. We also delve deep into insights, to gain full and in-depth alignment on the motivations and agenda at play. This alignment and the trust that is built in the process is vital to representing clients best interests.

To Kickstart any journey, we follow a thought through process to justify and rationalize communication approach based on insights gathered. Our approach leverages on Insights gathered and current communication objectives of clients to seamlessly deliver a module that addresses both.

Value Proposition

Dot2Dot is a full-service Agency which specialises in delivering communication solutions for clients (big, small, medium, old, new brands) and start ups across Africa. The agency has a roster of top communication experts with specialties across the entire value chain. These are among the most talented people in the industry across Africa. Our model makes us nimble and allows us to assemble only the most essential resources required in a team setup customized to your specific needs allowing us to be cost-efficient. 

We'd be excited to talk about your business today!

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Clients & Brand Engagements

Dot2Dot is a full-service Agency which specialises in delivering communication solutions for clients across Africa.


Need to get in touch?

Let's connect the dots for your business
+233 243 311 255